Online services

Online Services

E-Books & Audiobooks

E-books and E-audiobooks can be downloaded through the Borrowbox App by selecting your library and entering your library card number and PIN. You can read/listen to your book on your iPhone, iPad, Android, Android Tablet or Kindle Fire.

Download Borrow box from the google play store or the apple store


PressReaderoffers access to thousands of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines, including Irish titles. Just ‘sign in’ and select the ‘Library and groups’ option and then choose your library and enter your library membership card number.

Download PressReader from the google play store or the apple store. You can also visit


Access over 3,000 digital magazines by downloading the Libby App and sign in by following the prompts to find your library and enter your library card number and PIN.

Download Libby from the google play store or the apple store.


Transparent Language Online provides a fun, effective and engaging experience for learners of all levels looking to build their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in a foreign language.

Visit the Transparent Language

Online Courses

Universal Class offers a unique online learning experience with over 400 courses available. Visit the Universal Class Website (format to Universal Class Webpage) to sign up.