Current Part 8 Proposals
The suite of documents relating to the following part 8 proposals can be found here:
Glenfarne Wood Project Ref. 23-C-006
Housing Development at Keshcarrigan - Ref. 2023-C-004
Cara Court permeability link, Carrick on Shannon Ref 2023-C-003
Dowra Road Drumshanbo Public Lights and Footpath 2023-C-001
Apartments Sean Mac Diarmada Street, Manorhamilton 2024-C-001
Apartments Castle Street, Mohill 2024- C-002
Housing Development at Newtowngore Ref. 24-C-003
Leitrim Village Flood Defence Works ref. 24-C-004
Dromahair Active Travel Scheme Ref 24-C-005
Aghoo Bridge Underpass 2024-C-006
Ballinamore Residential Scheme - Main Street; Ref 2024-C-007
Kiltyclogher Residential Scheme: Ref. 24-C-008
Dromod to Rooskey Greyway ref 24-C-009